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Jennifer Aniston Credits Yogalosophy for “We’re The Millers” Stripper Physique

She plays an exotic dancer in her new film “We’re the Millers,” and Jennifer Aniston prepared for the physical demands of the role with an intense yoga-calisthenics combo.

The “Friends” starlet worked with gal pal/trainer Mandy Ingber using a regimen called Yogalosophy, and she recommends it for anyone looking to get in shape.

Ingber told press, “It's yoga paired with toning exercises, so people who were bored with yoga might try it, or people that were really into yoga might get a little extra workout.”

Meanwhile, Jen noted, “Yoga kinda helps you prepare for everything. Honestly, it's like meditation. It just allows anything that is coming at you throughout the day to be kind of doable.”

And it sounds like Aniston is the model student- Ingber gushed, “She’s really good at it. It’s the ability to be able to find your sense of focus in the middle of a lot that’s going on. It runs right through the center of the body.”

“The thing about yoga is that once you start, developing that mindfulness and that sense of connection to your body, you just want to make healthier choices.”

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