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Zooey Deschanel Receives Apology For Boston Marathon Mistake

After being misidentified as the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect last Friday (April 19), Zooey Deschanel finally received a proper apology for the confusion.

According to the New York Post, the company responsible for the serious typo, Caption Solutions, formally apologizing to the "New Girl" star about the situation earlier this morning (April 25).

The mistake occurred during the Dallas-Fort Worth's Fox 4 coverage of the search for the second bombing suspect and while showing the manhunt, the closed caption read "He is 19-year-old Zooey Deschanel."

Later after seeing the coverage, Miss Deschanel then took to the Twitterverse with the snapshot of the error and the heading "Whoa! Epic close captioning FAIL!"

No word about Zooey's reaction to the apology has been disclosed at this time.

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