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Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest

Back in 2011 Christina Pagliarolo appeared on the “Rachael Ray Show” to talk about the bullying she’d endured from being overweight and ask for help to shed 70 pounds for her senior prom.

But rather than finding a positive experience, the then-18-year-old says she was mistreated and left hanging by Ray and her crew.

Pagliarolo’s lawsuit claims that Rachel’s staff was “grossly negligent, careless, reckless, wanton, and outrageous,” in the way they handled her situation.

Furthermore, Christina says the personal trainer assigned to her ended up screaming at her “in a manner that caused her to feel anxious, demeaned, and threatened,” during their exercise sessions.

Of course, Pagliarolo is seeking money- the lawsuit demands "punitive damages in an amount appropriate to punish and make an example of Defendants and each of them."

However, the “Rachel Ray Show” says, "We haven't received this purported lawsuit but if it does materialize we will defend ourselves against it vigorously and fully expect to prevail."

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