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Prince William & Kate Middleton Pay a Visit to Scotland

Taking care of their royal duties, Prince William and Kate Middleton showed up in Glasgow, Scotland this morning (April 4).

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge headed over to the Emirates Arena for some meet-and-greet time and to check out the setting of the forthcoming 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games.

Later on today, Prince William is scheduled to chat with two homeless folks via Skype to hear about a new exchange program with Holland.

One of the lucky folks, Dylan Howie, told press, “It’s just amazing that I will get a chance to speak to the Duke of Cambridge. It’s brilliant - I’m very excited. The past year has been really tough for me - but since coming to Quarriers’ Stopover my life has been turned around. Everyone at Stopover is brilliant and now I’m on the Quarriers Way to Work programme I can see a brighter future.”

“I’ve never been abroad before so it’s a great experience to see a different culture and get work experience at the same time. I feel really positive about getting a job and my own place when I get back to Glasgow.”

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