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Nutcase Steals Toy Car From Boy At Gunpoint, Then Comes Back and Steals His Cell Phone Too

Who knew a simple kids toy could incite life-threatening violence?

Huff Post Crime is reporting that 35-year-old Efrain Burgos-Delgado pulled a gun on a 16-year-old boy in order to steal his remote control car. The puzzling incident took place in Kissimmee, Florida on Saturday evening (Apr 13).

If that’s not enough, after the perp stole the car, he came back and robbed the boy of his cell phone.

So why on earth did this man go to such great lengths to steal something that he could have bought for $19.99 – $39.99 ($59.49 if you want to be fancy) on Amazon? Authorities say Delgado quickly sold the toy in order to buy drugs.

So if you thought you couldn’t buy cocaine with a used kids toy, you were mistaken.

Of course he probably sold the car and used the money to score a fix, but it’s funny to think of a man paying for illegal substances with a toy.

Unfortunately for Mr. Delgado, there’s nothing funny about the charges he’s facing, which includes armed robbery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, grand theft, dealing in stolen property, petty theft and resisting without violence.

[Huffpo Crime via Sun-Sentinel]

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