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NFL Player Kerry Rhodes Denies Being Gay, Calls Questionable Pics ‘Casual’


Coming out of the dark. It’s not just a Gloria Estefan song, it’s also what NFL player Kerry Rhodes might want to do now that questionable pictures of he and his former assistant have surfaced.

Kerry Rhodes found himself unexpectedly in the middle of a big, ugly gay scandal when Media Takeout got its hands on some intimate photos of Rhodes on vacation with his former assistant. In one photo, Rhodes is shirtless and carrying the man damsel in distress style.

In another photo, Rhodes has his arm wrapped around the man’s shoulder almost in a “that’s my baby” pose. Suffice it to say, they both look very happy in the photos together.


Rhodes, who is currently a free agent but played for the Arizona Cardinals last year, denied to TMZ that he is in fact gay. In his explanation, the cozy pictures between him and his friend were just…”casual.” Right. Is this fool trying to redefine the word casual the same way Lindsay tried to redefine the word “exhaustion”?

But Rhodes says he’s as straight as an arrow — telling TMZ, “Photos have been circulating of my former assistant and I that have caused some rumors regarding my sexuality, and I wanted to address the situation.”

Rhodes then says flatly, “I am not gay.”

Rhodes explains: “The shots were taken during a past vacation in a casual environment with my entire business team.”

Can former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey give Mr. Rhodes a call and give him some advice? He knows what it’s like to be outted publicly. Maybe he can help this man see the light.

Cause there ain’t no way those Brokeback Mountain-type photos are strictly platonic.

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