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Will Smith Sounds Off on Marriage Rumors

Though rumors of marital issues between Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are nothing new, the "Men in Black" star candidly admitted in a recent interview that, although their marriage isn't perfect, they are still going strong.

Speaking with blog site, the 44-year-old actor said, "Jada and I have been together for 17 years. If you look at it like a sports record, we are probably like 15 and 2. When we got started, we both truly connected on wanting to be better."

Perhaps explaining some of their time apart, he shares, "The idea is that you are two people together, but in that process, the marriage cannot be a prison. There has to be a freedom that allows a person to grow."

In the end, Will still adores his wife, gushing, "Jada has made me a better person than anyone on earth could have every done. There is nobody on Earth at this point that in my life and in my career with the successes and the things that I’ve done, there is nobody on Earth that I would still try to be better for. [...] Jada is a beast. Just her passion, power, and relentless unwillingness to let me lay down at night when I’ve only done 92 percent of what I was supposed to do that day, holds me to a higher standard."

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