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Lindsay Lohan Officially Booked; Denies Post Court Clubbing

After rumors of her partying the same night after agreeing to go to rehab for 90 days, Lindsay Lohan has taken to Twitter to refute the claims.

On Monday, the red-haired troublemaker plead no contest to charges of reckless driving and lying to police. She was subsequently sentenced to a rehab stint, community service, and counseling.

However, reports came out that later that night she went to the A/V Club in L.A. for a night of partying.

On Tuesday, LiLo assured fans, "Guys relax, that was NOT me at A/V or in the @mrpink SUV. I'm taking this seriously and focused on the road ahead."

Sharing her exciting evening with the curious public, she tweeted, "I stayed in last night, after a pretty long day...and ordered sushi to my hotel. Don't believe EVERY little thing you hear, unless you hear it from me. The support I have gotten, has been great and means alot. <3 L"

After her low-key night, Lindsay was officially booked at the Santa Monica Police Department. By May 2nd, the "Mean Girls" star must provide proof that she has enrolled in a residential treatment program.

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