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Justin Bieber Makes Fun of Lindsay Lohan’s Tax Issues in Instagram Rant

When you’re a 19-year-old millionare who has everything he could ever want, it’s only natural to complain, right? Justin Bieber took to his Instagram account earlier today to post lengthy rant of how tired he is of being in the public eye.

“Everyone in my team has been telling me, ‘keep the press happy’ but I’m tired of all the countless lies in the press right now,” he wrote.

The “Baby” singer also took a dig at one of the world’s biggest celebrity train-wrecks Lindsay Lohan:

“To those comparing me to Lindsay Lohan look at her 2012 tax statements :).”

He also made it a point to boast about his own personal achievements:

“I’m 19 with 5 number one albums, 19 and I’ve seen the whole world. 19 and I’ve accomplished more than I could’ve ever dreamed of, i’m 19 and it must be scary to some people to think that this is just the beginning.”

Check out a screenshot showing the full post here:

Now we know the Biebs was barely out of grade school when he became famous and probably didn’t realize what he was getting int,o but he should try trading places with regular youths approaching their 20′s, who face student debt and abysmal job prospects.

Bieber later removed and re-posted his angry musing minus the comment about Lohan.

The star has since attempted to explain his post in the following statement he released to various media outlets:

“My post was only up for a few minutes but I realized right away that what I said at the end was wrong and distracted from what I was trying to say. I immediately deleted it and rewrote it so it would show what I was really feeling and those words are up now.”

In other words, the original post took some of the attention from him because it mentioned Lohan, so he altered it.

Whatever Bieber.

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