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Ratchet Video: NC Fashion Show Ends with Table-Tossing, Chair-Throwing All-Out Brawl

A massive brawl broke out at a fashion show catering to the gay community in Charlotte, North Carolina this past weekend after one contestant was upset that they didn’t make it to the finals.

In video footage uploaded to YouTube, a large number of people can be seen acting all ratchet, as chairs and tables are being tossed all about.


Our friends over at Crunk + Disorderly highlight the best part of the clip:

The most riveting part of the clip comes when a woman — or man in a wig — wearing electric blue tights picks up a table previously used at the Last Supper and hurls it at group of men and/or aggressive studs. She then blocks a chair flung at her head seconds before catching another with one hand while clutching her purse with the other. Now that’s a bad bitch.

“Mama, you was not playing with that table!” the videographer can be heard saying off-camera. No, ‘Mama’ was NOT playing!

The woman who owns the building where the event (the “NC Awards Ball”) was being held told reporters that she couldn’t believe how it ended.

“I’m still baffled” Charlene Henderson told Charlotte’s WBTV. “My people that were here are just still dumb founded on how it turned out really.”

Henderson said all was going well with the vent until one contestant didn’t like the decision made by a judge. She said the contestant threw a chair, and that’s when the brawl broke out.

Police said no reports had been filed, and no charges had been made because none of the witnesses or the people involved with the fight would cooperate with their investigation.

The bizarre video is being used as part of the police investigation into the incident, but Henderson says she doesn’t want the footage to define her business.

According to Henderson, the promoter for the event “had adequate security here. It was an orderly fashion show and it got out of hand because somebody got upset.”

“We deal with the elderly. We deal with youth. We have group sessions. We have church activity” she said, adding that she had no idea that she had allowed a group of ratchet people to rent her building. “You can’t predict what people do. That’s the bottom line. I feel sorry for the promoter because he did everything he was supposed to be doing.”

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