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Black Keys’ Drummer Patrick Carney Poses as Justin Bieber on Twitter

The low-level feud between Justin Bieber and The Black Keys' drummer, Patrick Carney, has just amped up a bit.

Last week at the Grammy awards, the 32-year-old musician was asked about the pop star's lack of nominations. Patrick replied, "He's rich, right? Grammys are for music, not for money. He's making a lot of money. He should be happy, I guess."

Responding to the slight, the 18-year-old singer tweeted, "the black keys drummer should be slapped around haha." Perhaps offering an olive branch, the drummer responded, "It's cool when you get cornered outside your hotel by a guy with a camera and they ask you a dumb question and then put it on TV. :("

However, after legions of Beliebers leveled attacks at his own Twitter account, Carney pushed back by changing his icon to a photo of Justin in dark-rimmed spectacles, much like his own, and changing his handle to Justin Bieber.

What followed were a plethora of response tweets to the "Beauty and a Beat" singer's fans, beginning with, "In order 2 give u guys full swag I have changed my stage name to Justin Bieber."

The tweeted responses frequently included the words "swag," "bro," "chill," and the phrase "I am justin now." Stay tuned to GossipCenter to see how the drama further unfolds.

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