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Rap Music is “Tacky” and “Unladylike,” Says Rapper Azealia Banks

According to rapper Azealia Banks, rap music itself is “kinda tack” and “very unladylike.” And did we mention that Azealia Banks is a rapper?

In a recent interview with Hypetrak, the 21-year-old — who last summer deleted her Twitter and kindly asked everyone to refer to her as a “vocalist” — had this to say about the genre that’s made her famous:

“I’d eventually like to stop rapping, that’s just the honest truth. One day I don’t wanna rap anymore, just because I think it’s easy, but I think it’s kinda tacky. I think it’s very unladylike. I like it but I think I’m gonna get tired of it.”

Uhm. Did Mizz Banks ever stop to think that maybe it isn’t “rap” isn’t the one that’s tacky and unladylike? Just a thought.

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