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Nicole Kidman Covers The Hollywood Reporter Sundance Issue

In anticipation of the world-famous film festival's weekend kick-off, Nicole Kidman graced the cover of The Hollywood Reporter special Sundance issue.

The 45-year-old actress rocked nothing but an Oxford button-up for the Ruven Afandor photo spread while opening up about everything from her film choices to her hubby.

Highlights from Miss Kidman's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to The Hollywood Reporter!

On choosing certain films:
"My heart is independent. I come from Australia, I was trained in indie movies. It's an unconscious decision -- it's who I am. As an actor, you live and die by your choices. I don't associate with mainstream films anymore. I don't do so well in them, either. I guess I have a foot in both worlds. I've been offered some studio films this year and turned them down. They just didn't align with who I am."

On her husband, country singer Keith Urban:
"I'm just a nice Southern girl. It's such an easy lifestyle. And it's more diverse than you'd expect. There's so much great music. The Black Keys go jogging past the restaurant Keith and I go to. We'll hang out with Jack White in the studio. And there's music in our house all the time -- Keith plays harmonica, drums, banjo, piano and bass guitar. He has a strong will about his career, and so do I. We want each other to thrive and do what we love, and we never interfere in the other's career choices."

On her hopes and aspirations:
"I really want to do Chekhov in Russian. I know my choices are erratic and unpredictable, and there's no rhyme or reason. I want to be spontaneous. I love subtext. Subtext is what's interesting -- in Ibsen, in Chekhov, in all the great literature. The sound of Russian gives it such gravitas. It's a very difficult language. It's always been my dream to perform Chekhov in Russian. And don't be surprised when I do it."

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