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Lady Gaga & Kelly Osbourne: Letter-Writing Feud Escalates

They’re both strong-willed and opinionated women, so it’s really no wonder Kelly Osbourne and Lady Gaga don’t get along in the least.

Miss Osbourne began the bad blood by calling Gaga’s Little Monsters (fans) “the worst” after some of them treated her poorly.

From there, the “Born This Way” songstress wrote an open letter to Kelly on her website, stating, "Your show (“Fashion Police”) breeds negativity, and over the years has even become comedic in nature. It glorifies you and Joan Rivers pointing in the camera, laughing, and making jokes about artists and celebrities as if we are zoo animals."

As for Osbourne’s dramatic weight loss, Gaga continued, "To see you blossoming into a beautiful slender woman who makes fun of others for a living is astounding. Why not help others? Why not defend others who are bullied for their image and share your story?"

From there Kelly’s mother, the always outspoken Sharon Osbourne, posted the following on her Facebook page- "I am calling you a bully because you have 32 million followers hanging on your every word and you are criticizing Kelly. ... Are you so desperate that you needed to make this public?"

“You say her work on E! with the Fashion Police is 'rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people’s beauty against one another.' Welcome to the real world. Example, when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn't you be teaching your 'little monster' fans to respect animals and life? I don’t feel I have to justify Kelly’s choices in life to you."

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