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Ashton Kutcher’s “jOBS” Issues

We’ve heard of actors going to extremes for movie roles, and Ashton Kutcher is the latest thespian to land himself in the hospital.

The “Butterfly Effect” hunk wanted to be exact in his portrayal of Steve Jobs in the upcoming “jOBS” movie, so he ate a fruits-only diet that caused him to be hospitalized.

Kutcher shared, "First of all, the fruitarian diet can lead to, like, severe issues. I went to the hospital like two days before we started shooting the movie. I was, like, doubled over in pain."

"My pancreas levels were completely out of whack. It was really terrifying…considering everything,” Ashton added.

As for his perception of Jobs, Kutcher gushed, "He's a guy that failed and got back on the horse. I think we can all sort of relate to that in some place in our life where we are moving forward with something and we fall down. You have to have the guts to get back up and go again. I think I share that as well."

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