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Justin Bieber: Facing Ban in the Philippines

Though his worldwide appeal is undeniable, Justin Bieber may have burned some serious bridges in the Philippines with his disparaging remarks about boxer Manny Pacquiao.

According to a report, the “As Long As You Love Me” isn’t getting much love from Philippine Congress members, given his snarky joke about Pacquiao’s December 8th defeat at the hands of Juan Manuel Marquez.

Bieber posted a photo of Manny falling to the mat and Photoshopped an image of Michael Jackson dancing along with the caption, “Pacquiao doing the lean with MJ… Classic moment.”

Congress issued a statement, saying, "Mr. Bieber should have known that the Hon. Pacquiao has reached his stature as such as a result of sheer hard work, determination and firm belief in God, and despite such stature best exemplifies humility and grace even in defeat."

Furthermore, they’ve requested he issue an apology for his “distasteful comments… lest he be declared persona non grata.” Stay linked to the GossipCenter for the latest on this sticky situation!

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