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Exclusive: Lance Bass Takes Aim at Justin Bieber & Lindsay Lohan

Not holding back when asked to share his thoughts on some of the most well-known stars in the world, Lance Bass turned into a celebrity critic during an exclusive interview with 93.9 MIA.

As for a celebrity he’s totally done with, the former 'N Sync singer shared that he’s lost his hope for Lindsay Lohan, explaining, “I kinda am over Lindsay just because I think everyone has given her way too many chances. I find the love in every celebrity out there… but Lindsay I’ve given you way too many chances. I think it’s time to step away- maybe go away for five years and then come back. The only way that’s going to change her is to put her behind bars.”

And when it comes to Bieber Fever, Lance just doesn’t seem to be infected, telling, “I think Justin Bieber is super talented. I think he has an amazing voice. I think some people around him are taking very bad choices in image. I don’t think that’s him. What we see I don’t think is Justin Bieber. It’s a fake swag. I appreciate him… But I think four years from now he’s going to look back and say, ‘Damn it. Why did I do that? Why did I act like that?’”

Meanwhile, Bass was able to muster a little bit of kindness during his chat. Responding to a question seeking his opinion on the Kardashian showbiz family, the 33-year-old gushed, “I love the Kardashians. It’s just fun to watch. This family gets to live their life the way they want to live it. And then they film it and get paid for it. So they get paid to live their life. Who wouldn’t want that?”

To check out the entire not-to-be-missed interview, visit 93.9 MIA by clicking here!

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