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Emma Roberts Fights AIDS with Coca-Cola and (RED)

Alternating between black and red tops to match the company's colors, Emma Roberts helped promote THRED, a mobile game from the Coca-Cola Company and (RED) to help deliver an AIDS FREE GENERATION in Los Angeles on Thursday (December 20).

The 21-year-old actress threw her support behind the free-to-play game available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch to raise awareness and funds for the fight to end mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015.

Featuring music by Tiesto, the (THRED) App will help raise money for The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – the world's leading financer of programs to fight these three diseases. Throughout the game, users will have the opportunity to purchase power-ups and select items via In-App Purchase. All proceeds (excluding taxes) will be donated to the Global Fund to invest in HIV/AIDS programs in Africa, including treatment for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Making sure her fans are aware of the effort, on Thursday the "Scream 4" star tweeted, "The beginning of the end of AIDS is within our grasp! @CocaColaCo & @joinRED have created #THRED. PLAY & SAVE LIVES."

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