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Bradley Cooper’s Nip-tastic Prank on “Ellen”

Taking care of his media duties, Bradley Cooper showed up at the “ Ellen DeGeneres Show” to promote his new flick “Silver Linings Playbook.”

But the tide quickly turned to an ingenious practical joke that the “Hangover” hunk successfully pulled off on the talk show host.

Cooper began, "Hey, do you remember when you asked me last time if I could take my shirt off? I remember thinking—well, I don't know if I should reveal this much about myself."

With everyone’s undivided attention, Bradley continued, "I didn't [take my shirt off then] because—I'll show you why. I actually have a third nipple…It's disgusting!"

"You have three nipples?" Ellen fired back. Cooper confessed, "I do. Is that weird? I actually have—this is so sick—I have a fourth nipple actually," as he showed a fake nipple on his arm and another on his leg.

After the buzz died down, Bradley came clean and admitted he only has two nipples. Check out the video below!

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